Touchless Boat Cover® & Touchless Cover®
What is in a name? In our case it is the description of our product.
It carries with it the promise of hassle free boat life and the enjoyment that comes with it.
“We envision a world where all boat and outdoor enthusiasts are able to protect their investments
while being able to access and enjoy them hassle free.”
Live Life Better
The tag line communicates that people who are using traditional covers have yet to realize the stress
free benefits The Touchless Boat Cover® can bring to their lives.
To celebrate our 25th Anniversary, we launched a new tag line and exciting message…
Uncovering Happiness for over 25 years!
Over the years as we have grown, learned, and expanded, we recognized early on, that our business is about a lot more than boat covers.
We believe that in making the access to our boats and other recreational vehicles easier, we increase the enjoyment and pleasure from our investments. The superior technology of our fabrics and our unique custom approach quickly led us to exploring covers for all kinds of recreational vehicles. Today, we are known for the quality and service for covers that go beyond the dock. From Recreational Vehicles (RVs) to golf carts, motorcycles, and even tractors the Touchless Cover® has proven that we can truly cover anything. You may sometimes see us referred to as Touchless Cover®. That is because as we grow into our brand we want to commnicate how our unique product has developed into a cover that is suitable for all outdoor applications.
